We are Helping to Build a School in Sudan
For those of you who are not aware, over the last few years we have been involved in a project to raise funds to construct a school in Sudan just for girls. Why South Sudan you might ask? Well you can read more about the history of our involvement and the importance of education in Sudan here.
The need for education for young girls in poorer countries is so vital. There is virtually no school in Sudan for girls. Many girls there are forced at a young age to work on the land and eventually marry under the threat of violence. Only 37% of girls between the age of 6 and 13 attend school but many of them drop out. With so many external pressures and shortage of teachers the primary school completion rate is only 10%.
George Hendry with Sudanese children in Bor Town
The Girls School in Sudan Project
Building a school in Sudan, a war stricken country that is still undergoing political unrest is not an easy task. Then you can add other obstacles like the lack of infrastructure, poor roads and access to equipment. But thanks to the persistence of a dedicated group of South Sudanese women living here in Melbourne, who form the Baai-Bor Women Welfare Foundation, enough funds were raised to get the school in Sudan project the momentum it desperately needed. In October last year George Hendry from Bryn’s School led the way and traveled to South Sudan to oversee the start of the school’s construction.
Laying the foundation. Girl’s school Bor Town South Sudan
Since that time progress has been slow but steady. However this month marked a significant milestone with the roof of one of the school’s blocks to be completed.
Final stages of school block 1
There is so much more work to be done like purchasing chairs, desks and other necessary equipment. So we are gearing up for another large fundraising event this Saturday (31st) at the Noble Park Community Centre. There will be Sudanese music, dancing and cultural events. Personally I am looking forward to swaying to the rhythms of African music which is a style I have always loved. It is so raw and powerful. If you are a non-Sudanese female you may want to put on your dancing shoes as there will be lessons on how to dance the Bul e Jieng (Bor Dance). The event kicks off at 12pm. Like last year we will be there helping to raise funds by taking family portraits. It should be a great day.
If you would like to donate to the school in Sudan project you can either contact us or the Baai-Bor Women Welfare Foundation directly.
You can follow the progress of the construction on our Facebook Page where we will post updates and photos as soon as they become available.
*All photographs shown here are courtesy of Bryn’s School.